Adam Ramadhan


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Being Alive

I have somebody that is maybe close enough that sometimes she shares stories about ending her life.

Never thought of it before, some of you know I’m in a startup scene, and people around me always in this hype-happy-environment and it kinda gets me often, what would I say? how would I react? how would you react?

There are people out there or maybe they are close to you that actually need help.

I was speechless when she told her story. that maybe our rough start is isn’t as rough as hers.

What will you do if you are really hungry?

Without anyone on your side even your family? no, you don’t even have to think about how do I get through the menstruation cycle every month without enough money to buy pads, how does it feel scared to go out? no, I mean really need to go through roughly 7 long days every month just thinking of how to hide everything while you need to clean the dishes...

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Art of Selling #1

you know i always think that selling is one of the most important part in a product.

i was very lucky to go door to door just to sell some 5$ website to be online on a self made multi-site website creator created on my own framework.

i recently found i’m lucky not because the technical side or the actual sales of a door to door selling strategy. i’m lucky because i go and meet people, talk to people, to actually see that some people just don’t give a fuck because they don’t know you, and some actually just wanna to be friends, but there’s always one at the and of the day ask your contact and its actually not because they will contact you, its because they like you. and that’s a good start to be a great salesman. i believe that in 1 years going door 2 door selling in Indonesia, is equivalent 4 years on study at a university on marketing skills. well maybe minus the 2 weeks for some good...

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Founder Letter

Partners, friends and family. I think its time for me to write our first founder letter.

It was a long year. Nearly every aspect was tested. As i write this we have just finished our first share holders meeting, that consisted of our first financial and development report, discussing what how things should be in the past and the future to disputes of personal interest, leadership and trust.

but yet, I am very optimistic, proud and grateful for everybody awareness and understanding that by going together we could get more, wider and further as a company.

Let me start from remembering our vision that we compose back at our company vacation back then in bali, in a coffee shop at night on edge of a beach.

“Being the most trusted, impactful and profitable technology company in Indonesia”

Strings are on the same vision, that technology is mostly responsible of shaping the world today...

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written at the two ends of the day 27/10/15

Its always a love hate relationship with knowledge. the thing is the more i learn, the more wider i see in every aspect. there’s even times where i can defiantly distinguish between emotions and evil whispers. 114:4-6.

Sometimes, i just knew, why something bad or good happens and why it needs to be there.

Sometimes, with wider perspective, i knew that there is times where i need to change my view to a smaller perspective for focus and speed but wider for direction and understanding to achieving everything in dunya 2.

Sometimes, with knowledge, comes a blessing to know how everything work. how everything fits to space and time, from nothing into something. the hard work from dreams moving into motions.

Yet, somehow with such a bliss, i have this feeling that im being watched, feeling that its a gift for people that have special purpose in...

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Pemimpin diantara pemimpin #1

Kenapa saya tidak pernah serius dengan kata - kata “bahwa musuh sebenarnya adalah diri sendiri”. Saya jadi ingat saya pernah bermimpi, “ah buat usaha di sektor apapun itu mudah, jika..”

Jika yang sekarang sudah berubah menjadi kenyataan. Jika saya punya teman - teman yang satu visioner. Jika saya punya proyek besar. Jika saya punya server. Jika saya punya jika.

Pada saatnya kita paham bahwa ternyata dengan datangnya proyek besar, datangnya juga harapan yang besar dari masing - masing stakeholder itu sendiri.

Pada saatnya kita semua meributkan uang dengan kebodohan dicampur rasa tegesa - gesa. kita para orang pintar yang paham bahwa “aku harus mengambil lebih dari apa yang untuk aku keluarkan”, bahwa “saya harus kembali modal atau pemikiran bahwa kita telah mengeluarakan waktu dan hingga biaya yang mungkin hanya terjadi sekali dalam seumur hidup kita” tentunya lupa dengan pemikiran...

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Realms of All Things

Ada diskusi menarik di warkop; kenapa sih harus diciptakan beberapa dunia? kenapa gak surga dan bumi disatukan aja seperti dulu [21:30]

“So exalted is He in whose hand is the realm of all things, and to Him you will be returned. [36:83]”

Realms of all things menunjukan bahwa dunia ini ternyata berlapas, dunia sendiri berasal dari kata “dunya” yang ternyata mempunyai arti mendekat, atau rendah yang menunjukan bahwa kita berada dialam paling bawah.

Menariknya juga bahwa hari ini saya menemukan hal 2 ayat yaitu

… [they] make lawful what Allah has made unlawful. Made pleasing to them is the evil of their deeds; and Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. [9:37]

bahwa diciptakan suatu mekanisme teori kebahagiaan atau rasa senang terhadap perbuatan kurang baik.

[It will be said], “You were certainly in unmindfulness of this, and We have removed from you your cover, so your sight...

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Prophets and Leaders

Tuhan maha bijaksana, tuhan maha pengasih.

Man was created of haste. I will show you My signs, so do not impatiently urge Me. 21:37

And We made them leaders guiding by Our command. And We inspired to them the doing of good deeds, establishment of prayer, and giving of zakah; and they were worshippers of Us. 21:73

Pemimpin bagi saya

Bagi saya pemimpin itu ditunjuk oleh langit, sama seperti 21:73 bedanya perintah sudah tak lagi diberikan secara langsung, tidak seperti Nabi Isaac dan Nabi Jacob yang menerima perintah secara langsung(secara nabi) sebelum adanya perintah yang tertulis.

And We made from among them leaders guiding by Our command when they were patient and [when] they were certain of Our signs. 32:24

Pemimpin itu ditunjuk oleh langit saat mereka sabar, sedangkan kita diciptakan dengan sifat tergesa - gesa

Pemimpin itu ditunjuk oleh langit saat mereka yakin atas tanda -...

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Kesombongan Kaum Intelektual

tentang dollar naik itu baik;

Screen Shot 2014-12-20 at 7.46.10 PM.png
hanya satu yg bicara

Kemana mereka yang berani bicara;

dollar sengaja kita biarkan naik untuk mengurangi impor, ketergantungan dollar, dan memberikan kesempatakan kepada konten lokal untuk berkembang.

saya yakin kalian yang intelektual paham bahwa mereka(yang kurang intelektual) pasti tidak akan peduli dengan bangsa ini.

“lah wong harganya pertamax sama harganya shell lebih murah shell kenapa nggak saya beli di shell? lebih bagus juga”

mereka tidak mampu untuk berpikir secara tenang(terutama memisahkan politik dan teori pasar) dan logis lanjutan. yang mereka pikirkan hanyalah sebatas diri sendiri karena memang diciptakan sedemikian rupa.

kemana mereka yang paham betul tentang ekonomi secara makro? kemana mereka yang paham jelas philips curve?

saya setuju dengan BI digunakan sebagai mana mestinya alat pemerintah untuk mendidik rakyat ini dengan...

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Merdeka, Media dan ketidakpedulian

Tuhan maha bijaksana, tuhan maha mengetahui.

81 judul yang mengandung kata merdeka dari 60.246 artikel dari berbagai sumber berita di indonesia sejak 30 hari yang lalu.


berikut adalah gambaran berita terpopuler hari ini, bahwa masyarakat lebih suka kepada berita cabe-cabean dibandingkan berita dibawahnya, begitu juga yang lain

Kemana arah berita lainnya yg tidak menyangkut politik?

Ketidakpedulian membunuh, saya ingin menyorot media indonesia pada yang pada jaman gelap sosialis hingga ke zaman kapitalis, yang tidak ada perbedaan bagi saya solialis dan kapitalis, sy lebih suka menyebutnya kapitalis nasional dan kapitalis individualis.

Tidak memihak sy percaya bahwa kedua kapitalis dapat membawa indonesia menuju kemakuran, yang kedua belum bisa merealisasikan, perbedaannya hanya pada letak jiwa para pemimpin kita, karena pada dasarnya sebagai pemimpin diberikan kelebihan satu...

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I always love technology and the way we change things, its just fast enough to create a better place to live in.

but, there is a big topic that is happening within my friends that how the “Bitcoin is very dangerous”, that it could bring a nations scale failure, and thats where we don’t want to end up with.

the thing is about bitcoin, it blurs the line between you and me. like my country and your country as an example, the good side there is, but lets see the bad side first, lets say my country for now is an import addict, yours is not, how should it end?

in a small scale, my country will get punishment with a devaluation of money, and we cant buy your stuff without taking more of my stuff, or simply, we just have more money circulated then your country to buy things, that exist because you and i want a relationship to be always a give-receive relationship. Its not about i give you 2...

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